Friday, February 27, 2009


Hey guys
its been a long time
i just came back to say im no longer writing my diary online in this weblog cuz there are people reading this diary that i know and i live with and i cant be totaly honest
for example i cant say BEEEEEBBBBB Amirhossein cuz he's reading this :D JKv so... yeah.... thanks for reading and commenting
wish yall the best

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


God damn it. What the hell is wrong with him? How can someone be this stupid? Things are getting out of hand, that's Y I'm going to a shut down state. I don't have to worry about other behaviors, If they can't handle it then I'd better stop it. I've got to study this semester. I have a lot to catch up and i have to do it now. A lot of C++ and PHP + regular school work. OOO BTW I'm tutoring math again, same student but this time it's Math 112 which is derivative and integral, this is way much easier than matrices. I hate matrices. Anyways, Ali found his old stereo and he's thinking about buying a set of rims for his Civic I mean his Acura EL. Pooria Got his license, Finally and this weekend we might head south again, probably Moncton. We lost our second match too, 3 - 1 . we have a big problem with our players. some of them really suck and Paul (the guy who is kinda couching us) mixes us with bad players. our system sucks more than our player, we play 3-0-3 which leaves a huge hole in the middle of the field. This time I'm going to suggest we play 2-3-1 and good players play first and all together to score and get the lead and then they can fuck up the whole thing. I'm actually playing left defense and it's much better than right. Hope we win this time. I think Amir is kinda piching me(avoiding me) i don't know Y but I haven't seen him in campus and neither he called me about the movie night in UPEI. And the other day I asked him about a party in UPEI and again he kinda piched me. Maybe I'm wrong. I hope so. This Sara is making me crazy. I know I've seen her before or someone exactly like her but i can't remember, Maybe my aunt, maybe my sister's friend or maybe i saw her Facebook profile before, I don't know but it's bugging me so much. I'm trying to make a movie night in our house, watch a couple movies with everyone, probably on Friday, I hope this time everyone come specially Sara cuz i know she's kinda lonely.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Today i had a tiny headache so i took a break and didn't go to school instead i stayed home, watched a movie(it's 1:30 now, i think I'll take a look at my C++ book after lunch). I was reading Amir's journal this morning. he had a post about how lucky people are and weather he's lucky or not. It made me think "Am I a lucky guy or not"(i bet you're saying 'or not' right now :D)and i realized i am a lucky guy.
I have the best DAD in the whole world which i keep disappointing with my crappy grades.
I have the best Mother who cares about me(Just me not you Leila :P)
I have the best twin brother although we argue alot(which I always win ;) )
I have the best older sisters who always kept me from trouble(And i hated that when i was a kid)
I have the best older brother who inspired Mohammad with his driving skills(It's an inside thing only Leila will get it :D)
I live in a great country(Although i think Iran is way much greater country because of it's people)
I won a bicycle this summer and 2 free movie passes last month(i really was lucky)
And last but not least I have the best Refighs anyone can wish for and i miss them so much(HAHA you though I'm talking about you guys, HAHAHA you are all great friends but a Refigh is different, Sorry guys)
What else do i need? Of course everyone wants to be rich or famous and i do too but it doesn't mean I'm not lucky. Some times i think about going back and redoing all my mistakes(And believe me i made a lot of stupid mistakes) but then i realize I might loose what i have now if i change my past and besides past is for learning present is to live and future is something to work on(It's actually my own quot i don't think any other wise guy( :D ) have ever said that)

Anyways yesterday i met Sara, She's a new Iranian exchange student, She came from Sweden. I liked because she looks just like my sister's friend 'Sara Farid'. It's like they are identical twins with 8 years age difference :D. Pooria didn't like her, i don't know why. he said she looks a little weird and he kept making fun of me and saying "Reza likes Sara ... Reza is in loveeee ... " because i said she is a nice girl, and she really is. she's really lonely and i hope she's a movie fan cuz all we can do in winter is watching movies. she said she bought a cat and a puppy. I should CHATR in her house(going to someones house even if your not invited) to see her puppy.

I have huge problems with my Chinese professors. they can't teach at all. I have to study on my own this semester. They both suck. Who the fuck gave them permission to teach. they can barely speak English let alone teaching.

I have a lot of stuff to do which i keep postponing, My CO-OP stuff, my military services stuff for going back to Iran, going to gym, studding, ... We have our next match tomorrow. this time we have a golly so i don't have to play defense and i can go back to my position(Left wing or Right wing) I hope we win this time.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

First week of school

First week of school is over(i can't put any dots in the end of my sentences, my the dot key on my keyboard is stuck, I have to copy it from somewhere) I'm really nerves about CS212(game programing) cuz i we're going to use C++ and i don't know this language at all, I know almost all the concepts are the same as JAVA but i have to work on syntax too(Syntax=kinda like the grammar of a language) This is the first time I'm worried about a course in university.I have 2 math courses.They are fine specially Math272(proving logic), Dr.Horrocks is teaching it, I had Discreet math with him last year, this year he changed his teaching method, i kinda like it. I have digital system with Cris Vessay. I love this guy, it's actually the first 1 hour 15 minutes class i didn't feel sleepy in it. and last but not least i have advance web programing which i love BTW, not because of the teacher(Y.Wang is teaching it) it's really fun and you can use it right after you finish this course. you can make a web page or online applications and use them.

We had our first soccer match this Thursday. we played very good but we lost. OK... OK... everyone but me played very good because my shoes were slippery so i couldn't turn around fast and i was playing defense, I'm a midfielder or a wing player. anyways, the other tem played much better but we only lost 6-5. i hope we win next time. this time i'll dry out my shoes before the game.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Moncton + school

Finally we went on a trip and by we i mean just me and Pooria. Mohammad was on his way to C'town from Montreal. we decided to go to Moncton, it happened so fast. we were at Ali's house playing PS3 and watching "Documentaries". Ali didn't come. I guess he was kinda mad cuz first we wanted to go to Halifax but then we changed it to Moncton and I'm really glad we did so, not because Ali didn't come you sillies, cuz it was so much fun. we stayed up all night and left C'town around was 2 hours driving to Moncton which i was pretty much asleep half of it. We went straight to a mall when we got there and there was a 50% off sale in Tommy. I bought a hoody and a jacket. Then we went to Quiznos for lunch. We definitely need one in C'town specially in university. Anyways, then we drove back to C'town. The weather was perfect all day long and it was so much fun. I'm glad we went to Moncton I really needed it before school.
Speaking of school, today was the first day of school. I had 2 classes but I'm gana take Math 272 which makes it 3 classes on M,W,F and 2 on T,Th.

These are my classes:
1.Cs 241(Digital system)
2.CS 206(Advance web programing)
3.Cs 212(Non traditional platform programing)
4.Math 242(Discreet math)
5.Math 272(proving methodology)
Pooria and I have the exact same classes, i guess we'll take the same classes all 4 years, but he'll get better marks cuz he's Kharkhoontar(He studies more):D

Thursday, January 1, 2009


hey guys
It's going well at all. I didn't study anything at all, I'm gana take 5 courses next semester + I'm going to tutor + I'm going to mark Math 221 papers + i registered in a soccer team which plays in weekends. It's gana be like hell.
Anyways, things are still not fine with my friends, they still have problems with each other and Amir is really sad about something. I didn't have the chance to talk to him lately. He posted a poem on his facebook status and the meaning of this poem was a little sad so everyone started writing sad and thoughtful poems including me. The poems i wrote over there were my own and they kinda sucked :D, see for yourself: (Some of you might not understand it cuz it's written in Fingilish[Farsi with English letters])

Told you they suck(i didn't write the other one, it sucks big time) :D

Mohammad was suppose to be here today but his flight was canceled because of the snow storm. there's snow up to my knees. I stayed home watched movies online. 6 movies in a row, i just went to bathroom once and ate lunch. we're planing to go skiing this weekend hopefully many people will show up cuz it's so much fun.
Here's the poem in case you can't read it from that picture:

Delshekastegan jaman ieki nist
sadia bia ke hich meii nist
gar mast shavam az meie to
ravad ze iadam darde dele mo
laken miaiad in dard BACK
che konam ke daram deli PACKED
PACKED ze dardaie faravoon
mikonan mara kheili heiroon
heiroon ze adlo dele oo
heiroon ze eshgho hekmate oo