Thursday, October 16, 2008


This morning was as usual until Mohammad text us about tomorrow's midterm. Every other Friday we a quiz for Linear algebra, we thought so for this week too but turned out Mohammad was right.we had about 10 chapters to read. The main problem is that we haven't been to any of her classes and we had a computer assignment due tomorrow as well.
I skipped HTML class again and field my Khandagh(stomach) then we got a group study room and started to study. i had to tutor Adam again so i left at 3 and came back up around 3:45 but Pooria was gone. Ali called me and asked me to buy a blabla kit (Surgery kit :D) again we went upstairs to study up to 5 . we were so tired so we decided to take a walk outside and refresh our brains. We saw Ali on the way so me and Ali went to BK and Pooria went upstairs to continue studding. When we were saying goodbye to Pooria, Ali cursed loudly and suddenly Shadi and Mohammad came out of library. This is at least the second time he curses next to Shadi.
Anyways after BK Ali went to his lab and i went to library to study but i was tired of Algebra so we went to Pooria's place to do our Assignment.
I did the first one ut we couldn't do the second one. My brain was shut down. anyways then we played FIFA08. I beat Pooria 2-1 and I beat Ali 1-0.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I hate exams

I'm the laziest guy in Charlottetown. this week we had a long weekend because of Thanksgiving and i have an exam tomorrow morning. i had 3 days to study + mark Math 151 papers but instead i played Urban Terror and Starcraft. I haven't finished it yet. i still have QUEUEs or whatever they are.
i went to Hamed's house on Saturday, Mohammad didn't cuz he had to work up to 9 and i guess he went to Dooly's with Hashem and Pooria after that. I was over there till 2PM when Mohammad V came to take me home. i wanted to walk back home but they insisted and i was so tired to do Tarofing(discussing about it).
Sunday we were all invited to Ali's house because of Thanks giving. i guess it was miss Misaghoan's party but since all of us couldn't fit in their house we had to go to Ali's house. we played a little bit of PS3 and PS2 and obviously we had Turkey for dinner. After dinner we all went to Dooly's. i really didn't want to go but since we wanted to make Pooria and Ali friends again i went.(Yes thay had a little tiny stupid argument the day Pooria got his Ticket)it was pretty good but i think they still have something deep inside. Anyways, then we went to Tims24/7 and i guess we headed back home around 2PM. O BTW i met Faraz today, he's a new Iranian guy(God dame it, why does anybody over here is a guy, where the hell are the girls :D ) He's kinda ..... not attractive. i don't mean in a physical way idiots i mean he's kinda..... you know..... people don't wana be with him kind of guy. maybe it's because of his age cuz he's only 15 .
Anyways, i studied a little bit on Monday cuz i had to(I didn't finish it, there's still one chapter left) and i didn't mark any of my papers. I talked about this exam so much that even i myself throw up when i say anything more about it.I'm pretty sure everyone else fells the same.U know what's my problem, i talk about it a lot but i dont study at all. look, i had 3 completely free days and i didn't even finish studing Data Structure let alone doing the assignment and making '3by3matrix'.(it's my new website project, it's basically a website that solves 3 by 3 matrices which are used in Math261 and Math111)
OOO good news, my mom is back from Montreal which means less Wendy's and more delicious Iranian food plus my baby iPhone is back cuz i gave it mom.
OOOOO BTW, go check out this remix of 'Apolegize' by One Republic it's awesomeeeeeeeee.