Saturday, January 10, 2009

First week of school

First week of school is over(i can't put any dots in the end of my sentences, my the dot key on my keyboard is stuck, I have to copy it from somewhere) I'm really nerves about CS212(game programing) cuz i we're going to use C++ and i don't know this language at all, I know almost all the concepts are the same as JAVA but i have to work on syntax too(Syntax=kinda like the grammar of a language) This is the first time I'm worried about a course in university.I have 2 math courses.They are fine specially Math272(proving logic), Dr.Horrocks is teaching it, I had Discreet math with him last year, this year he changed his teaching method, i kinda like it. I have digital system with Cris Vessay. I love this guy, it's actually the first 1 hour 15 minutes class i didn't feel sleepy in it. and last but not least i have advance web programing which i love BTW, not because of the teacher(Y.Wang is teaching it) it's really fun and you can use it right after you finish this course. you can make a web page or online applications and use them.

We had our first soccer match this Thursday. we played very good but we lost. OK... OK... everyone but me played very good because my shoes were slippery so i couldn't turn around fast and i was playing defense, I'm a midfielder or a wing player. anyways, the other tem played much better but we only lost 6-5. i hope we win next time. this time i'll dry out my shoes before the game.

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