Thursday, January 1, 2009


hey guys
It's going well at all. I didn't study anything at all, I'm gana take 5 courses next semester + I'm going to tutor + I'm going to mark Math 221 papers + i registered in a soccer team which plays in weekends. It's gana be like hell.
Anyways, things are still not fine with my friends, they still have problems with each other and Amir is really sad about something. I didn't have the chance to talk to him lately. He posted a poem on his facebook status and the meaning of this poem was a little sad so everyone started writing sad and thoughtful poems including me. The poems i wrote over there were my own and they kinda sucked :D, see for yourself: (Some of you might not understand it cuz it's written in Fingilish[Farsi with English letters])

Told you they suck(i didn't write the other one, it sucks big time) :D

Mohammad was suppose to be here today but his flight was canceled because of the snow storm. there's snow up to my knees. I stayed home watched movies online. 6 movies in a row, i just went to bathroom once and ate lunch. we're planing to go skiing this weekend hopefully many people will show up cuz it's so much fun.
Here's the poem in case you can't read it from that picture:

Delshekastegan jaman ieki nist
sadia bia ke hich meii nist
gar mast shavam az meie to
ravad ze iadam darde dele mo
laken miaiad in dard BACK
che konam ke daram deli PACKED
PACKED ze dardaie faravoon
mikonan mara kheili heiroon
heiroon ze adlo dele oo
heiroon ze eshgho hekmate oo

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

WTF is wrong

Do you know anything about the civil war in US? It was a war between two groups within US kinda like an internal war. well something like that is going on here. Everyone has problems with others. this morning i got message from Shadi, She was pissed, she thought i ditched them last night(They went to a restaurant with Amir and Kasra) but i swear i just didn't want to eat outside cuz I've been eating a lot of take outs. Instead i went to play pool with Pooria which BTW i won 5-3(Pooria is much better player than me)I don't know what was up with her. Anyways in that message she said something about Amir having a tiny problem with Pooria but she didn't say what, i didn't ask either cuz i knew she'd be uncomfortable. Amir was mad about something today, he wrote that on his weblog. I guess it has something to do with Pooria-Kasra thing (i told you about it before).she said something about Hamed too which have no idea about it.

*So right now Pooria has problems with Kasra and Amir
*Hamed has problems with someone i don't know(i thinks it's either Hashem or Pooria) but i know it's not me
*Shadi thinks i have problems with her which i swear i don't
*Hashem doesn't hang out with us anymore, i think he's trying to avoid us

So these days i have to make a plan to hang out with everyone separately and this makes everyone think I'm ditching them and hanging out with others cuz i don't like them(it's not just Shadi).
I'm going to talk to Amir tomorrow morning if he still thinks I'm not taking sides and I'm not ditching him. hopefully i can help to sort things out.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Home alone

Long time no see i guess it's been a week, i have a lot of major news and a couple minor ones. First of all i got my grads, they are awful.

I really have to do something about my studies. I haven't even started reading C++ let alone writing programs with it. I really have to start and work hard on it cuz i have to finish it before Jan 3rd, that means i have 6 days to learn C++.
Yesterday was boxing day(27th) i went to Futureshop with Hamed cuz he wanted to buy a desktop. we were standing in the line since 5AM and i kinda had fun, i really dont know know why. Hamed bought a separate graphic card which i have to go and install it for him. that morning i bought 'Monopoly' for my iPhone and i was up till 3AM playing with it so i only had 1 hour sleep. We went to movies that night, we watched 'Yes man'(romantic comedy with Jim Carry, a friend of mine use to call him Jim Karim :D )
OOO i forgot about the most importante news, Mohammad went to Montreal and i'm alone at home :( . I'm really bored, i don't have the car(we took it to a garage to fix it) On Wednesday I went to Hamed's house, we had a lot of fun, i played Guitar hero for the first time, i didn't like it before but now i love it. Thursday night we went to watch movies in Shahriar's place. it was me,Shahriar,Hamed and Kasra. Amir piched us, i don't know why but he seems a little suspicious these days. he keeps diching us at nights. I left my external hard with Shahriar to coppy some movies, that's why i bored these days. After watching 2 movies i went to pooria's house. we played a little bit of FIFA09 and then we went to eat something cuz we were starving, we searched all of the town(it was The night after Christmas eve) so every single store and restaurant were closed including 24/7 Tims and Macdonald. Finally we found a Needs store in the middle of university ave and rushed into it, we were really starving, anyways we bought somestuff and went to beach(keep in mind it's 1AM) :D

BTW, Merry Christmas everyone