Sunday, December 21, 2008

Yalda night

finally a bit of fun after ages. Last night was Yalda night(i don't remember the story behind this night) all Iranians were gathered in Mr and Mrs Aghdasi's house. At first i didn't want to go cuz i was so tired. i slept for 4 hours the night before so i was a little dizzy. we went there at 7 and we started dinner right away. after dinner we chatted for a while(Joubin was there too, he came back from NewBrunswick 2 days ago) and then Amir, Kasra and Shahriar started playing live music for us And as usual Shahriar sang 'Desperado'. :D Then we all gathered in a room and started dancing. we danced for about an hour or so. I really didn't wana dance cuz i don't know how to dance and i don't like dancing alone but in the end I though what the hell, and i danced for about 10 - 15 minutes. When i went to dance Amir's camera was dead(no more battery) so I'm not in the videos.
OOO i bought a comic book as i said and I'm almost done with it. but i have to change my holidays plan. i received a mail from department of CS about a course(CS 312,iPhone programing) so i have to learn C++ in 2 weeks. i don't think it's going to be hard cuz i know all the programing principles i just have to learn C++ syntax.
I'm probably going to buy another book too cuz this one was too small. I don't know, we'll have to see when I'm going to finish C++.
Tomorrow University is going to give us our marks, I'm not happy with my marks at all(I'm not going to fail but I'm not going to get a good mark either) i have to study this semester specially now that i have 5 courses(if i take iPhone programing I'll drop business and human interface, that makes it 4 courses but still it's hard cuz i have 2 huge programing courses + a course with 3 hours of lab)
OOO i found a great way to download HD videos from youtube and convert them to mp4 for my iPhone + I bought Wall-e from itunes and i have it on my iphone. i live this cartoon, this is actually the first movie I've legally bought(i mean I've paid for it) :D

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