Sunday, November 9, 2008


Ooooo no .... im not gana start with hate. you'll see what i wana say later on. First a quick update, HTML midterm was ok, it could be better though. I'm pretty sure im going to get something around 90 but for HTML it's not good at all. CSs take this course to get 100 and now i got 90 in midterm and I'm gana lose 10% because of ditching classes.
CS 252 midterm was good too, it really feels great when you do a test without cheating and you do it by your own knowledge(I mean i although i didn't study much, i did pretty good) guess I'm a Geek now. LOL
We (me and Amirich)marked Math 151 papers last week, in fact we had 2 piles of papers(Assignments 5 and 6) I did a tiny part of Amirich's too cuz he had to go to Toronto to get his Permanent residency.It was total brutal, and we had to finish them by Wednesday morning cuz they had a test on Friday, at least we thought so, but turned out we were wrong and we're stuck with another pile of assignments this week + I got Stats papers too(Math 221). fortunately this Tuesday is Remembrance day, I shouldn't have said fortunately cuz it's remembrance day. it's not a happy day. Well I do respect every soldier who died for their country no matter who they fought for or who they were fighting. in fact my uncle died during the Iran-Iraq war. I never saw him cuz he died before i was born but I'm pretty sure he's looking at me, and he wants to kill me. or he's bored of me and he's playing XBOX360 with his friends(or maybe even a cooler consul, PS3 perhaps :D ) So a huge shout out to all the soldiers who died fighting for their country and for their people.
Anyways, where was I? O yeah Tuesday, so I've already marked stats papers but i still have to normalize them and put them online. i have a HTML assignment for tomorrow and a Data structure assignment due on Thursday + Data's second midterm. SO it's gana be a hell of a holiday this Tuesday. :D
it Wasn't such a quick update, i know :D
Now that i'm done with all the boring stuff :D lets talk about Hate. OOOOO yeah ... i know yall are excited(By yall i mean just me cuz nobody reads these stuff, O that means i can swear at anyone I want, LOL.)
Lately i've been feeling a lot of hate, I know i don't like it either but I can't help it. people I knew,or at least i thought i knew,They have changed.I don't even know the meaning of BEST FRIEND any more(For me there is a huge difference between a friend and a best friend, i would do everything for my friend but i would die for my best friends). Everything has changed, nobody is your friend any more I wonder is it just because of Canada or is it just my age? Maybe it's just because of Canada, i mean maybe It's not like that in Iran,cuz lets face it friends are way much loyal to you in Iran than here. for example my friend Reza, we use to be in the same neighbor and we use to play soccer together. He's 19 just like us and he calls us almost every other day. I don't even talk to my brother this much. I don't mean that he is not a good brother cuz he is, he's just a little busier than Reza but for Reza as a friend... He's a great friend just like Ehsan. I remember the first time I was going with Ehsan and a couple of other guys to smoke GHELIOON.(it's something like cigarette and it's not a drug) He didn't want to take me with him so that i don't get addicted to it while other people would encourage you to go with them. I'll never forget him.
People betray you no matter how much stuff you do for them, they forget you in a twinkle of an eye.Just like you never even existed. Well a part of it is my fault too, I'm regretting huge mistakes I made in my friendship like choosing wrong people to be friends with or Not teaching Java to Armin Summer and wasting my time instead(I really don't know why. it's not like i didn't want to, cuz i did but i dont know what happened.I'm really sorry Armin, i promise I'll make it up to you,He doesn't know about my weblog so don't tell him ;) )
My ass is flatend cuz I'm sitting on the ground.(I don't think that's even a word cuz firefox put a red line under it)anyways,I'd better get back to my HTML assignment
C ya

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