Thursday, December 11, 2008

We did it to ourselves

"We did it to ourselves" is an old saying in Farsi = "Az mast ke bar mast"
There's something between us about our majors. You see ... we joke about which is the better and smarter major, each person says his major is the best and it's just a joke but apparently some people thought differently. We(me and Mohammad) started this thing here when Mousavi's family were living with us for a couple of day(when they got here in C'town till they got settled) We use to joke about it at night after a game of Hokm(Old but popular card game in Iran). Then it got bigger and bigger. everyone was making these jokes and we were all just kidding. but lately my friends have though I'm serious about these stuff. specially Hashem(Shadi's brother) He's studding Engineering(he actually has a masters in architecture from Iran) I was making the same jokes as usual on a message on facebook when he started saying that he thinks I'm serious about these jokes and I'm not joking. ooo come on..... are you kidding me?
are you serious? you mean I'm really questioning my own fathers major or my brothers majors? well I have news for you, that brain up there in your head..... you can actually use it..... :D
I wrote "How stupid can I_I be?" on my facebook, And that I_I wasn't a mistake. It's a U. ;)
I was commenting on Shadi's profile yesterday and I was just kidding about the same stuff and some other stuff. we were in a kind of a conversation on her status and she suddenly deleted he status. :O
Today I went to talk to her about it and I asked her whether she was mad about my jokes. and she said no and she was lying(It's always obvious when she's lying) I apologized anyway and she accepted it.
This made me realize not only there are people with low sense of judgment but there are people who get really offended by a joke they can't top(something like kam avordan) and it made me realize that not everyone's Janbe(the sense of taking a joke about yourself) is high. But if Shadi was mad and Hashem was offended then I think i should stop it. That's why I'm not going to make any of those jokes again. even if they say anything. I really was joking but they thought I wasn't.
Anyways exams are over, except HTML(the one i missed the final).I'm taking it on Monday but that's not a biggy. I have to mark Math 221 papers tomorrow morning with Dr.Guillotte at 11:00 till 3 or 4 PM and then I'm free.
I'm thinking about buying a book from indigo, i mean a novel not a computer book. or i might just keep on watching youtube videos for the holidays.


  1. ba har kasi be andazeye janbash bayad shookhi kard....and it's really not that hard to realise how much a person has janbe !!
    any way...I'm really looking forward to seeing u guys here...u forgot to mention that in your holiday plan ! :D

  2. by the way I really like this quote:
    "Computers can never replace human stupidity!"

  3. LMAO
    I'll right it in my facebook right now
    BTW I don't think I'll come there in holidays
