Sunday, November 30, 2008

New car + home alone + finals

New car. YOHOOOOOO it's a 2008 Pontiac Grand Prix GP. It's so huge like a carrier, it has a 3.8L v6 engine and trust me it's fast. The best thing about it is that you don't feel like you're moving 160Km/h and the worst thing about it is that it's big and long, i mean it's good that it has a lot of space inside but it's not a good car for racing, it's too long. Last night i went to pick Mohammad up from Resolve(where he works) and right on the last light i turned on my signal to turn right and a black car just got to the light and turned left. we both turned at the same time(even though i had the right of way) and he sped up like he wanted to race, so i gave him a race. unfortunately it was a single lane road and it was raining like hell but i caught him and passed him(I told you it's fast), piece of a cake. After a while i slowed down and let him pass me then i turned right to go back and right when turned a cop went through that cross with his lights on, like he was chasing that black car. I almost craped my pants :D I was so lucky. Thank God(God with a capital G, means 1 God :D )This is why I believe there's someone up there watching me, looking after me, keeping me from troubles. But I think he has to work harder :D
Anyways. my mom went back to Iran for two months, She's in Montreal now with Leila.
Finals start in 3 days and I'm done on 10th. I hope i don't screw these up specially Data structure cuz I've already fucked it up.
Yesterday i had a pile of papers and i marked them late at night up to 5AM. And he gave us a new pile and wants them back before exams. OK... two times... we don't have to study and he wants us to mark those fucking assignments? hell no....
I really have to study hard for Data if i wana get a good mark, it's not a hard topic it's just that I'm not made for studding. i guess God forgot to put that part in me :D
Today Shadi sent message on Facebook about 'what Love means to children' and this was one of them:
'If you want to learn to love better,
you should start with a friend who you hate,'
Nikka - age 6

And it made me think about my last post. I know it was mean and i don't really hate that guy i was just mad, i guess i was on 28th if you know what i mean ;)
Well guess I should listen to Nikka and Love him/her.

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